GEO-MAT has been invented and developed by Adam Unwin-Berrey an internationally recognised expert in Mathematics Education guiding schools, academy chains, universities and national education departments in effective approaches to teaching mathematics.
He has taught mathematics at all levels from lower primary, through secondary to degrees and postgraduate degrees in mathematics and mathematics education.
Adam’s passion for developing conceptual understanding – as opposed to rule based learning, engages staff and students in a love for mathematics, reduces anxieties and negativity towards the subject; giving all the confidence that they can do Maths.
By incorporating the Geo-Mat into our everyday practice, pupils now have a resource that is multi-functional in its approach to representing key functions such as shape, space, measure, number representations, bar modelling and much more.
Steve Kernan
Headteacher Newington Academy
Below are a selection of videos to help you see how to use the Geo-Mat. They are not exhaustive, however it will give you a sense of how the Geo-Mat can support you in your Mathematics curriculum. If you would like to make a purchase or if you need any further help or advice please click here to contact us
Bar modelling for proportion
Watch VideoDrawing 2-D representations of
3-D shapes
Use of Algebra tiles to represent simplifying expressions and substitution
Watch VideoFraction guides with bar modelling
Watch VideoSupport representations of number and patterns
Watch VideoBar modelling for KS1
Watch VideoDraw circles - with a radius or sectors
Watch VideoEnsures all pupils can draw and label a set of axis in 1 - 4 quadrants
Watch VideoRepresent subtracting negative numbers
Watch VideoAllows pupils to test for and accurately draw shapes for lines of symmetry
Watch VideoAllows pupil to test for rotaional symmetry
Watch VideoMeasure and draw any angle, including reflex angles
Watch Video